White Family dental-site


Norway Bans Dental Amalgam

Norway has acted in the New Year to discontinue the use of dental amalgam. The action was part of a sweeping effort to restrict the use of mercury and was done so largely for environmental reasons. Itfs possible that Sweden may have taken a similar action, but we have not been able to adequately verify this with reliable information at this time (we will provide additional information next week if the issue flares up in the media). No new scientific studies or other new data have been cited as calling for this sweeping action.

The ban is not expected to have any economic impact in these countries because of their national health care systems ? for example, Swedenfs health care system stopped paying for amalgam fillings years ago.

Norwayfs announcement has not made news in the United States yet.
Should the media pick up on this story, you may receive inquiries from your patients. We encourage you to be prepared by visiting ADA.org.

Patients may also want to visit the public side of ADA.org for credible oral health information.

ADA this week posted a new patient education brochure (free of charge)
about dental restorative materials, which you may want to download and have
available for your patients.

EDental Fillings Facts (Abstract)
EDental Fillings Facts (Full)

